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number Assortment TH> Part number th> Description th> tr> 20 TD> AS18-22-2 TD> Sealing ring filled 18x22x2.0 (20pcs) TD> tr> 20 TD> AP-20B TD> Carrier plug VOLVO M18X1.5X18 17HEX (1ST) TD> TR> 20 TD> AS20-24-2 TD> Sealing ring filled 20x24x2.0 (20pcs) TD> TR> 20 TD> AS20-26-2 TD> Sealing ring filled 20x26x2.0 (20st) TD> TR> 20 < / TD> AP-27B TD> Carrier plug DAF M22X1.5X10 10inbus (1st) TD> TR> 20 TD> AP-67B TD> Carterplug VAG M24X1.5x10 10inbus OE: 028103059A (1st) TD> TR> 20 TD> AS26-32-25 TD> Sealing ring filled 26x32x2.5 (20pcs) TD> tr> 20 TD> AS26-34-25 TD> Sealing ring filled 26x34x2.5 (20pcs) TD> TR> TABLE>